Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What is a crown?

   A crown is replacement for the enamel, the outer layer of the tooth. A crown is used when the enamel is broken, stained, misaligned or weak. The crown, or cap,  provides strength and protection for the underlying tooth.
   Crowns used to be made of metal alloy, porcelain, or a combination of both. Modern crowns are usually made from high strength, tooth colored ceramic. See  our video for a demonstration of their strength- search YouTube for "Doctor Adrian crown strength.”
   The procedure takes two appointments. First the tooth is shaped and an impression and temporary are made. In 3 weeks we place the final crown.
   How long a crown lasts depends on 3 factors:
          How good is the dentist
          How good is the lab

          How good does the patient take care of it

A case of a cracked tooth. Biting caused pain.

The light makes the cracks more apparent

The ceramic crown
 A new tooth